As pioneering California powerviolence ( a strain of radical street-level politics and hardcore punk) unit Man Is The Bastard wound down in 1997 after seven years, co-founder Eric Wood simply ramped up side project Bastard Noise. Fellow wizards conferring and hobnobbing on this front included Amps For Christ's head seer Henry Barnes, and Bill Nelson, longtime art director at Larry Flynt Publications and later of rhythmic miasma merchants Unicorn. Wood: "It was me that found it an anthropological reference guide in the Claremont Library back in 1989 - I merely "flipped" the image around so that there was an "about-face" version to match and the rest fell into place. This exact skull was the first "modern man" skull found by the species of "Mancruel." People rip off this image so much you'd think we were all dead!" A logical progression to all those nights and noises is Trogotronic, their business of making "analog electronics hand-built in the U.S.A.".
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