Saturday, March 29, 2008
Logo #220: ZZ Top

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Logo #219: My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult

Another cult of thrills can be found in the 1975 pornographic film "Breakdown." So, in the interest of a wider appreciation of culture both popular and un-, we now present this breakdown of what happens in "Breakdown": "Here is a movie from the mid-1970s, when it seemed that maybe the only way blacks would become free in the U.S.A. would be to overthrow the U.S.A. We view the revolutionaries' headquarters. Posters of Chairman Mao & V. I. Lenin are on the walls. Two white girls have been drawn into their ranks. We see them alone in the HQ. Two white police officers gain entry to the place, and they begin interrogating the girls as to the whereabouts of the two main revolutionaries. The girls really do not know where they are. Our officers are unwilling to accept this answer. But as they have nothing for which they can arrest them, the girls are taken into separate rooms and summarily raped. One girl is forced to take it down her anus {is that Wes Montgomery heard on the soundtrack?!}. The revolutionaries return. Surprise: They are black. The girls are still dazed and aghast. The black guys manage to learn the name of one of the police officers. One black guy knows how to get back at him. He goes over to the house of his white girlfriend, where he rapes her (the cinematography of the sex scenes involving the dark skinned black men and the white girls is luminous. I bet it's those uncredited Hollywood professionals again). Is that Toots and the Maytals now on the soundtrack?! A large squadron of police officers [stock footage] is marshaled outside the HQ. The two black revolutionaries manage to get through the congeries into it, but they are battered. We espy an issue of "The Workers' Advocate" headlining Zimbabwe. The girls attempt to make them feel better (both yield their anuses). How shall this end? I won't disclose. But I will say that whoever made this managed to cram a lot of stuff into only 59 minutes."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Logo #218: GG Allin

Logo #217: Helloween

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Logo #216: Luftwaffe

This Day in Death:
Cristóbal Balenciaga Eisaguirre (January 21, 1895 - March 23, 1972)
Jacob "Killer" Miller (Inner Circle; May 4, 1952 – March 23, 1980)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Logo #215: Minor Threat

I personally don't "get" hardcore - I'm too apolitical and spindly to have ever made it as a punker - but, as I told MacKaye the other day: what matters is not so much the music itself as it is the resultant ripples from the Work; concentric circles that affect people positively and act as catalysts for change. So in that way, I have a really good feeling about MacKaye's Work. Every so often you get a pornographer named Eon McKai running around out there, but I guess there's no helping that (although I wish there were!). As far as straight edge goes - which I suspect I am by default because I'm real square and don't see an inherent profit motive in anything the movement abhors (and if I were dyslexic, I might think they were all about s-e-x) - Richard and Judy tell you everything you need to know! Embrace your inner cluelessness! It's how you learn about things and it makes our sitcoms far funnier because of it!
Ian Mackaye,
Minor Threat,
straight edge logos
Friday, March 21, 2008
Logo #214: Sheep On Drugs

The Song of the Moment is in fact "Motorbike." RIDE! RIDE!
Logo #213: Ill Will

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Logo #212: Frankenstein

The green fist was one of the first rock band logos which I consciously became aware was a rock band logo. It was stuck (and possibly still is) on a water fountain on the campus of Ventura College - or, as most community colleges are known, the 13th grade. The day-glo green, the lineage of the raised fist of rebellion, the sense of humor (it's hard to make tendons required to make a fist work properly when one's hand is barely sewn to one's wrist) - all aspects conspired to catch a lazy eye in the comatose warmth of a summer's day. In this way the band logo, when experienced early enough, always holds a position of fondness for the fan - a muscle memory of emotions whose grasp, like that of a clenched fist, is not so easy to pry open.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Logo #211: Lords of the New Church

Lords of the New Church,
Stiv Bators,
The Damned
Logo #210: Inner City Unit

The concept of the logo-as-weapon is an implicit, possible result of knowledge-as-power. Likely there aren't many bands (apart from Crash Worship ADRV, perhaps) that would fashion their icons into physical tools by which they might crush their enemies, see them driven before them, and to hear the lamentation of the women - but it's the thought that counts, really. Multimedia? Interactivity? Yes. Yes, it is.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Interstitial #5: Clint Boon

Suitably, the Song of the Moment is "This Is How it Feels."
Logo #209: The KLF
Logo #208: The Desperate Bicycles

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Logo #207: Running Wild

Captain Adrian,
heavy metal mascots,
Running Wild
Logo #206: Angels and Airwaves

Logo #205: Fear
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Logo #204: SFA
The Song of the Moment is "Only the Lonely" by The Motels, who never had a logo as far as I could find.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Logo #203: Surgical Steel

Logo #202: The Pist

Monday, March 3, 2008
Logo #201: Naked Aggression

RIP Naked Aggresion guitarist Phillip "Phil" Suchomel (April 19, 1969 - April 25, 1998).
The Song of the Moment is "Clipper" by Autechre.
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