Saturday, December 13, 2008
Doctor and the Medics: Logo #297

Friday, December 5, 2008
The Dwarves: Logo #296

This Day in Death:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Jan. 27, 1756 – Dec. 5, 1791)
Karlheinz Stockhausen (August 22, 1928 - December 5, 2007)
Forrest J. Ackerman (November 24, 1916 - December 5, 2008)
One of my greatest joys in life was finally meeting Ackerman some years ago, when he was living in his Ackermansion in Los Angeles. God bless you, Forry. You helped save my young and aimless life.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sacred Reich: Logo #295

In related news, apparently there was a heavy metal mascot war. Somebody came.
anticon.: Logo #294

Sunday, November 30, 2008
D.I.: Logo #293

Casey Royer,
Orange County punk,
punk band logos
L7: Logo #292

M.O.D. (Method of Destruction): Logo #291

This Day in Death:
Francis-Marie Martinez Picabia (Jan. 22, 1879 - Nov. 30, 1953)
Phil Tucker (May 22, 1927 – Nov. 30, 1985)
Bobbi Brat (Red Scare; Jul. 14, 1962 - Nov. 30, 1988)
Charlie Rouse (Thelonious Monk; Apr. 6, 1924 - Nov. 30, 1988)
Guy Debord (Dec. 28, 1931 - Nov. 30, 1994)
Tiny Tim (Apr. 12, 1932 – Nov. 30, 1996)
Kathy Acker (Apr. 18, 1947 - Nov. 30, 1997)
Donald Scott Smith (Loverboy; Feb. 13, 1955 - Nov. 30, 2000)
Elsa Stansfield (Mar. 12, 1945 - Nov. 30, 2004)
Method of Destruction,
thrash band logos
Arx Kaeli: Logo #290

The Song of the Moment is "Corporate Cannibal" by Grace Jones.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Dangerous Toys: Logo #289

Tommy Pons responds: "About Bill - well, he sort of came about by coincidence, really. All bands would love to have a mascot like the clown; Maiden being the #1 example / blueprint to go by. Eddie was and still is one of the most recognizable characters in music, hands down, right up their with Zeppelin's "Swan Song," Rush's "Redstar," Motorhead's dog thingy and The Stones' "lips." Anyway, I was reading Stephen King's "IT" and had just seen the movie "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" around the time Jason contacted me about doing a clown design. I was already planning a piece of art from the book so what became Bill kinda began then (the original clown design is under the CD tray of their "Vitamins and Crash Helmets" release). Sony thought it was too over the top so they made me tone it down. I also had to neuter the cover as the clown had skeletal remains of children around the box. Sony also neutered the cover for "Hellacious Acres," making me paint that over colourful piece instead of the dark moody painting I had planned. Maybe one day I'll re-paint the first two covers the way I originally intended, since I think I've actually learned how to paint a bit better compared to the nightmares I did back in the bands heyday. It's been flattering seeing people getting tatts of the clown and/or seeing them painted on cars, boats, whatever...I just wish my artwork would have been better. Bill's gone through some changes since coming out of the box and the latest pieces I'm doing for Toys are more darker I think...and they're executed a whole lot better. Bill did earn me a gold record, so that's something, I guess."
Friday, November 28, 2008
Radiohead: Logo #288

I've learned that there’s another version of English that’s spoken across the world. It’s called “Gimme.” So Radiohead offers their latest album as chiefly an online download option. You pay as much as you want for it when you order it. On 2007 October 10, the day of its release, purportedly 1.2 million copies were downloaded. As one of the blog wags so eloquently crystallized it, “So 1.2 million downloads = $20.82?” And yes, while there are going to be an overwhelming contingent of stalwart do-gooders whose heart lies squarely in the right place and will clearly pay generously, the “Information wants to be free” crowd has essentially rendered music almost completely worthless with the support of this paradigm. And when you free that “free free free!” toothpaste genie, no way is he going back in that tube. Worthless. Disposable. Gimme. If a violently huge band such as Radiohead gives away their records, the implicit logic is this: well, why should I give a shit about your crappy band? Your band who scrimped and slaved to put an album out, spending countless hours perfecting something true and good, only to be faced with the concept of scorn heaped upon your labors because you dared put a fixed price on what your time and creative energies were worth? Oh, a copy of the album? Thanks – just let me put it on the hard-drive containing all the other nameless records by bands I never heard of before and never want to hear again. I’ll get to it, baby – I’ll get to it…
band logos,
Stanley Donwood,
Thom Yorke
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Circle One: Logo #287

The logo's from Turkey. It's the best I could come up with for Thanksgiving Day. If you know which anarchist faction from whence this logo originally sprang, we'd like to know!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Ramones: Logo #286
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Jamiroquai: Logo #285

Dilated Peoples: Logo #284

Howard David Thomas, November 22, 1962 - August 14, 1988. Rest in peace, Mr. DJ.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Chris & Cosey: Logo #283

Monday, October 27, 2008
The Descendents: Logo #282

Friday, October 24, 2008
Judas Priest: Logo #281

The Song of the Moment is "Light Powered" by Deastro.
heavy metal band logos,
Judas Priest,
Rob Halford
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wu-Tang Clan: Logo #280

This Day in Death:
Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931)
Walt Kelly ("Pogo"; August 25, 1913 – October 18, 1973)
Dwain Esper (October 7, 1892 - October 18, 1982)
Henri Michaux (May 24, 1899 - October 18, 1984)
Lucky Philip Dube (August 3, 1964 - October 18, 2007)
The Rolling Stones: Logo #279

hard rock band logos,
John Pasche,
Mick Jagger,
Rolling Stones
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Interstitial #6: The Return From Witch Mountain

Millions of websites with the words "rock", "band" and "logos" in them can't be wrong, I guess.
Apropos of something: Debora Iyall from Romeo Void reports, "Well, we used my lip-print with a red circle with a slash across it sometimes, and made a button of that."
I'm real busy. I still have over a thousand logos left. What, a man can't take a few months off and unwind? My triumphal and/or triumphant return awaits!
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Alley Cats: Logo #278

Speaking of cats, here is a story about Monsieur Hat, the Mystery-Solving Cat!
Once upon a time Monsieur Hat was out finding a mystery and he hear someone crying. He see nothing! "A mystery!" he say to himself, and look for the source of the crying. He use his super-sensitive ears to find a large boulder making this sound! There were little rivulets of dust falling from the boulder and so it was his rocky tears! "Why do you cry?" Monsieur Hat ask. "Because I am lonely and feel unloved and my only friend is three feet away and it will take him a million years to come visit! I am a sulky rock." "A silky rock?!" Monsieur Hat ask. "That make no sense! You are too rough and stony to be silky!" "No!" the boulder grumbled, "A sulky rock, a sulky rock!" Monsieur Hat had an idea! "Wait here!" he say. "I will help!" So Monsieur Hat wrote some scribbles on some paper with his clever claws and some juice for ink and take it to the sporting goods store! He come back and saw the boulder being climbed on by rock climbers, who loved the boulders craggy crags and many handholds! The giant boulder was loved! The end.
Alley Cats,
Los Angeles punk band logos
Rhino Bucket: Logo #277

Stukas Over Bedrock: Logo #276
Art Morales,
punk rock logos,
Stukas Over Bedrock
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Treponem Pal: Logo #275

Onyx: Logo #274

NoMeansNo: Logo #273

Renegade Soundwave: Logo #272

Violent Children: Logo #271
Flowers in the Dustbin: Logo #269

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Strike Anywhere: Logo #268

Toto: Logo #267
Monday, June 16, 2008
Poison Girls: Logo #266
Logo #265: Igor Stravinsky

Friday, June 13, 2008
Logo #263: Crash Worship ADRV

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Logo #262: Brigade Fozzy
Logo #261: No Milk on Tuesdays
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Logo #260: Deftones

Logo #259: Stereo Total

Inches tall.
Logo #258: The Partridge Family
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Logo #257: Slayer

Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Logo #255: The Jazz Butcher

Friday, May 30, 2008
Logo #254: KISS

Ace Frehley,
Gene Simmons,
Paul Stanley,
Peter Criss
Logo #253: Nine Inch Nails

industrial band logos,
Nine Inch Nails,
Trent Reznor
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Logo #252: Poco

Philip Edward "Phil" Hartman, September 24, 1948 – May 28, 1998. Comedian, artist, writer, father. Taken from this world ten years ago today. I still can't believe this is real. Fuck.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Logo #251: White Spirit

Also: White Spirit drummer Graeme "Crash" Crallan, June 5, 1958 - July 27, 2008. He fell.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Logo #250: Sex Pistols

Jamie Reid,
Johnny Rotten,
punk band logos,
Sex Pistols
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