Monday, October 29, 2007
Logo #94: The Black Crowes

Logo #93: Current 93

"I would walk a million miles, I said
And Alpha-Omega smiles, and red
Scars appear on the Logos face
And he winks and laughs
And fades into space."
'Nuff sed!
Current 93,
experimental music logos,
folk band logos
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Logo #91: Motörhead

heavy metal mascots,
Logo #90: Screeching Weasel

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Logo #89: Jurassic 5

Logo #88: Adhesive

Logo #87: The Screamers

Some interesting birthdays today.
"Johnny" William Carson (October 23, 1925 – January 23, 2005)
William "Sonny" Criss (October 23, 1927 - November 19, 1977)
Harald Grosskopf (Ash Ra Tempel; October 23, 1949)
"Baby" Jane Holzer (Warhol superstar; October 23, 1940)
Tristan Honsinger (October 23, 1949)
Misty Martinez (To Live and Shave in L.A.; October 23, 1977)
Milton Marx (Gummo; October 23, 1892 - April 21, 1977)
Pierre Moerlen (Gong; October 23, 1952 - May 3, 2005)
Graeme Revell (SPK; October 23, 1955)
Ned Rorem (October 23, 1923)
Jordan G. Wood (Deathwish; October 23, 1969 - June 7, 1994)
Gary Panter,
L.A. punk,
punk band logos,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Logo #86: The Crüxshadows

They recently became the first goth band to play an open-air festival in China. What might Mao have made of goths? Workers or corpses, most likely.
Logo #85: Children of Bodom

Logo #84: 45 Grave

Anton Szandor LaVey (April 11, 1930 – October 29, 1997), while endlessly stylish in life, left an estate drowning in disarray. Records show that the settlement dividing his personal property went as follows: to High Priestess Blanche Barton, a Rasputin chair, bed of nails and vintage gramophone; to daughter Zeena Schreck, a vampire boy painting, devil-horn cap and one-third of LaVey's cremated remains; and to daughter Karla LaVey, a skull from ritual chamber, "Satin Doll" pinball machine, a coffin and an examination table. Amongst others, no doubt. There was also a garage sale open to the general public not long after his passing.
Presumably, some lucky devil got the best stuff early.
45 Grave,
Don Bolles,
goth band logos,
L.A. punk
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Logo #83: Christian Death

In other news, my review of Stephen Colbert's book "I Am America (And So Can You!)" finally published in last Saturday's Los Angeles Times. I never thought I'd have to differentiate, to an editor of a major national newspaper, the clones of Bruce Lee.
Christian Death,
goth band logos,
L.A. punk,
Valor Kand
Logo #82: Wilt

Logo #81: Ah Cama-Sotz

Logo #80: The Dickies

In some respects, maybe Chuck was the lucky one.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Logo #79: The Turbo A.C.'s

Logo #78: Fear Cult

Logo #77: Soul Coughing

El Oso,
jazz band logos,
Jim Woodring,
Soul Coughing
Logo #76: ALL

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Logo #75: HIM

Logo #74: Dillinger Escape Plan

Somewhat unrelatedly, the new Bloodhound Gang single "Screwing You On The Beach At Night" is on my short list of best songs of 2007. "I would show up for our pottery class / dressed like a pirate with John Waters' moustache / on a unicorn that shits your name in stars." This is the peerless caliber of James Franks' writing talent, toward which I bow in reverent reverie.
We find our respective escapes wherever we can.
Heads of State,
heavy metal logos,
mathcore logos
Logo #73: Conflict

Like the man sang, "Going against nature is a part of nature, too."
punk band logos
Logo #72: Nurse With Wound

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Logo #71: The Exploited

Logo #70: The Tubes

Logo #69: 999

Logo #68: The Adicts

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Interstitial #1: Gong

Firstly...the Pot Head Pixies (PHPS) (well chosen)...who will be displeased with me unless I mention that they are the representatives of the Invisible Planet Gong preparing to land in 2032. They don't really mind if they are not the central symbol, but they would rather like a mention. I mean, they are the ones that are fully on a mission! Also, and by the way, they don't really like being called Pot Head Pixies. They would prefer to be called Radio Gnomes. Actually, they are telepathic space gnomes blessed with the power of positive transmission & startling progressions. In other words: quality good vibes. These aliens will introduce a new system of music so magnetic and so subtle that it will transform the human concept of space and mathematics and with it the entire group consciousness of Planet Earth. There will be unanimous agreement that it was a change for the better. But, ho yes! Why should you believe this? You have heard of the Velvet Revolution? Well, this will be the Purple Suede Shoe Revolution. "They who dance not know not what we know!"
Anyway, I agree with your choice of the Pot Head Pixies images as icons or glyphs. The first drawings in 1962 were the early signal that there was a whole tribe of them out there. Certainly they spring out of my pen at the drop of a nib. They are the most numerous inhabitants of the Planet Gong. They have an expanded sense of humour and I am very respectful of them. I bow.
Secondly, there is the Banana Moon, or moon in the first quarter. In 1959, I chose the nubile crescent moon as my Glyph and called it my Banana Moon Signal. From this point on, I used it in my signature at will. Much later, I had the vision of Selene...goddess of the moon. Born from the shadows the rising moon is the rebirth of the virgin whereupon enriched by love she grows to her full splendour only to slowly ripen into such succulently sweet womanly wines that her most fervent lovers regularly lose their cellphones. Selene came to me in this form. Interestingly, selenium is a conscious mineral from afar. Finally, as the wisely wrinkling crone, she dips into the darkness of the group unconsciousness to return with teaching stories that turn lives. Then she is gone. No moon. Not even nothing left. And I digress...
Finally (ahem): The Teapot! What is this? A symbol? Ah, yes - this, too, could be seen as a contender. Cripes, it isn't easy to decide which it should be. So, maybe they all deserve to be included. Over to you...
Daevid Allen"
Daevid Allen,
Pyramid Bill Harkin,
Friday, October 5, 2007
Logo #67: Rush

Logo #66: 666 Volt Battery Noise

Monday, October 1, 2007
Logo #65: This Heat

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