Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Logo #203: Surgical Steel

Everything you ever wanted to know about Phoenix heavy metal band Surgical Steel is here. Designer A.D. Cook: "Wow, a blast from the past. I’m going from memory, but I would saw I designed the Surgical Steel logo in 1981." Earlier: "My time with Surgical Steel was a blast! We had some great times. I met them early in their career as a band, and after creating their logo, we became friends. They proved to be a great bunch of guys. I still have fond memories of those days. I remember one night I was on a date at a pizza place with my new girlfriend and I told her I did the Surgical Steel logo (sure, I was trying to impress her). She didn’t sound like she was totally convinced. Ironically, as we were leaving the restaurant the band was walking in. We all talked for a bit and they confirmed my story. It was hilarious, partly because our paths crossing must have seemed planned to her at the time, even though it was synchronicity. Anyway, I guess she must have been somewhat impressed – we’ve been married now for over 20 years! I have fond memories too of the band coming by my place to have their drums painted and to talk about album covers. They all had wild hair and wore lots of leather. In fact, I remember Jim having purple streaks in his hair for a while. All of my other clients were advertising agencies and corporate guys – straight haircuts and business suits. What a contrast when they would run into each other. It was priceless. Those were some wild days." - A.D. Cook, March 2004


  1. Wow, what fun to find this piece of memorabilia on the web. I was that girl that dated the artist, and we're still rockin' out on that old eighties metal. Here's a link to A.D.'s website with some other logos he's created since then.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. I love it! I hope you plan to go to the Surgical Steel Reunion show June 7 and 8 this summer (2008)...They've also got a new myspace, are recording again, and I am certain would love to see you!
    www.myspace.com/surgicalsteelaz and the reunion show is at www.myspace.com/azallstarsrockreunion
